Monday, August 21, 2006

Movie Notes: "Snakes on a Plane"

"I hate snakes, Jock. I hate 'em."
But I loved this movie. It made me feel like a kid again. Yet, I was the kid who hated horror films and ran to the lobby when the trailer for the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was playing. A film I still have not seen to this day, in fact the only childhood horror film that I have not yet conquered. My appreacaiton of horror films has grown and I am now a fan. But I truely hate snakes, they creep me out just watching them on 'Animal Planet' or the 'National Geographic' channel. I actually screamed during this film, and I have never done that before. I think that is what made me love seeing this film it creeped me out, and I liked it. I sat there with my feet on on the rail during the the whole film. I have no complaints of the film whatosever. It was great fun. I even loved the sound track and the music video during the end credits. That song is my pick for Best Song this year. I can't remember a desaster film that was this good or this much fun, this was worth the wait. This was nothing but fun. It was the best summer event movie this year.

1 comment:

William said...

Okay I know for a fact that you have screamed at other movies. The first Saw movie for one. Can I get a pet snake to keep next to the bed?