Saturday, July 28, 2007

Trailer Talk

Well I just caught the trailers for "Things We Lost in the Fire" and "Beowulf." I have to say that "Things" does look like huge Oscar bait, it looks like a three hankie film, which sometimes does not go over well with critics, i.e. "Regin Over Me." I know I will be looking forward to it, and I will have to remember to bring tissue. I do like when Del Toro plays the strong silent type. Now "Beowulf," looks like "300," (which I loved) but the question is it animated or real or what, something more like "A Scanner Darkly" I think. The thing I hate about this is that it's directed by Robert Zemeckis, whom I'm not too fond of. He is really is a hit and miss director. But the look of the film is very promising.

1 comment:

William said...

How about hit and mostly miss director, but then my taste are particular. BZ is the perfect example (as though perfection could exist) of the king having no clothes.