Friday, November 30, 2007

Oscar Predicitions Update

With the news from those lucky enough to see "Charlie Wilson's War" and "Sweeny Todd" I have removed "Charlie" from my top five. I am so glad that all my hopes for "Sweeny Todd" may just be confirmed. Of course, like many others I am biased when it comes to Mr. Depp and Mr. Burton, dispite some mis-steps in the recent past. I am still a fan.

Nothing really new at the cinema this weekend. We may be catching up with some missed films, like "American Gangster," or maybe "The Kingdom" at the second run theatre. And I would like to see "Enchanted," maybe. Sometimes I hate chick flicks too.

Time is ... fleeting. Madness ... takes its toll. But listen closely...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Darjeeling Limited

Okay... my better half gave it a B- but then she is my better half. She is much more polite and much more inclined to point out the good in films by directors we enjoy. Me. Not so much. The film is lite, light, and mostly pointless. The ending is satisfactory but getting there is well, that would be the point. I know "Lets go to India and shoot a road picture". This film did nothing for anyone concerned. Nothing for the director (what direction?). Nothing for the actors (they seemed to be rehearsing before our eyes). Nothing for the audience (as the post film conversation was quick). Is it better than most things at the multiplex? Well, of course! Is it a must see? Not even close. I give it a C (with an inclination to a C-). I am disappointed as the film does not even fail in an interesting way. WAIT..... I do, however, still want to go to India. What time does the Bengal Lancer pull away from the station?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Marque Mash Ups

Stephen King's The Mist is Enchanted This Christmas; The Hitman, August Rush is I'm Not There won't be here. But, for No Country for Old Men, we will be standing in line for, if there is a line.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Pet Peeve 3

Why we suffer with teenagers working the projection room.
How many of you out there have been to the last showing of the night and find yourselves sitting the dark without a film to watch? I never got to see the very end of "War of the Roses," at the theatre, the film broke right when they came crashing to the floor. It was months before I got to see it, and I was told by others who actually got to see the whole movie how it ended. Needless to say I enjoyed the film up until they fell, and would have howled with laughter at the end. Last night we went to go see not only the last showing of the night, but it was the only showing of "The Darjeeling Limited," for over two hundred miles around. We sat in that theatre for an hour before we decided that the kid with the phone stuck to ear didn't know what he was doing by the time we tracked down the manager he was telling another usher to tell everyone left in the theatre that the show was canceled. I think that we have suffered through three breakdowns in the last twenty years. But unfortunately countless bad screenings, because the people who run those huge projection machines just don't know what they are doing, is it any wonder people stay at home with their home theatres?