Monday, September 14, 2009

Movie Shorts

Short Films that became Full length Films

9. If you plan to go to the film then watch the short after the film. It contains spoilers.


District 9
This one adds to the film.

District 9

Friday, September 04, 2009

Summer Movies

It has been a long time since either of us have posted. I will take the responsibility for that. I have become weary of movies or rather I have been worn down by the mediocrity of what passes for a movie. I am so tired of walking out of the darkness and being completely unmoved by a film. I want to dance the dance of idiots because I thought the film was great or I want to do the stomp of a curmudgeon because the movie was horrible. I want to be moved either high or low by a film.

The summer was not all bad:

Julie and Julia

There was no way that I was going to go to yet another Nora Ephron movie. I swear that she speaks in "code" that no man can truly understand. She trades on all that I despise about the difference in men and women. NO MORE EPHRON FILMS EVER was my creed. So what was I doing in Julie and Julia? Well it is because my pal, my friend, Dolly doesn't like horror movies so Dolly and the lovely wife picked. Did I have a good time? Yes but I left the film hungry as will everyone else. Meryl Streep has gotten better as an actress and while I didn't completely lose myself in her Julia, I did find myself rejoicing in the obvious delight of the performance. Streep and Tucci are one of the most believable couples on screen. I delighted that a film could show that a couple can remain completely and totally in love for a lifetime. Amy Adams was sweet and charming. This is the first thing that I have liked her in. UGH! This review sounds almost like I am channeling my inner "chik". I think I will go eat some butter.

District 9

This is perhaps the best movie of the summer. One of the best sci-fi mainstream movies in a long while. I thought that perhaps P. Jackson was going to be safe as a producer but instead he produced this. A movie in the tradition of all great sci-fi movies. One that shows the human condition through a fun romp. There are all kinds of political connections that one can make about this movie. I will leave that to the viewer. It is at times a creepy sci-fi film and at other perhaps the most macho (but with brains) film of the season. I look forward to seeing what Blomkamp will do. I hope he stays in this tradition and show that genre movies have both brains and heart as well as cojones. I realize that I am vague but let us say it is in the tradition of "Night of the Living Dead" and the original "War of the Worlds". Bravo